Showing posts with label etchings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etchings. Show all posts

Friday, 27 November 2020

Yoga and pilates series

 Yoga and pilates have become more important to me than ever in recent times and my love of these has inspired some of my recent art.

I love the stretching, the breathing, strengthening and bending that the body experiences.  Dru yoga has some visualisations that I enjoy too and there's the enjoyable ongoing meeting (on-line these days) of the class group members.

Here are some of my etchings.  Originals and also digital colour reproductions (giclee prints) also available through my website shop.  

Etchings from my website shop

I've had some fabulous human models, but this sheep unwittingly posed for me in the summer. I added the hat to the etching with hand colouring later.

Christmas Yoga Sheep (upward sheep)  available from website shop.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

My first trip into an art gallery since lockdown

 I visited the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists' gallery in the Jewellery Quarter today. It was my first venture into a gallery since lockdown.  It felt safe, spacious and both other visitors and the staff were wearing masks.

Celebrating 20 years at the RBSA’s current location in the Jewellery Quarter, the RBSA Anniversary Exhibition brings together Collection Acquisitions from the last 20 years alongside artwork by current RBSA Members and Associates.

In April 2000, after being based at New Street in Birmingham since 1829, the RBSA relocated to the current gallery just off St Paul’s Square.

It's an exhibition well worth visiting if you can, or it is available to view online.

Outside the RBSA today in lovely sunshine.  People were stretching out and having coffees sitting in St Paul's Square opposite.

With Garden of Wisdom woodcut in Gallery 1.
In Gallery 2 with my etching Homed and Homeless - I took my mask off for a moment for the photo as no-one else was in that gallery at that time.

There are two solo shows on the ground floor as well as a range of stylish, inexpensive jewellery, greetings cards, ceramics and other small pieces which would be ideal for gifts.

Friday, 15 February 2019

New website at

I've got a new website just launched!  It was designed by Jo Hounsome and I'm very pleased with it's more contemporary feel than my older one that I had had for some time.

Have a look at:

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Exhibition of artwork currently in the newly published 'Illustrated Garden' book

If you are in or near Kent in October or November, you may have the chance to see the wonderful artwork recently published in the new book by Alan Marshall, 'The Illustrated Garden'.   It's a lovely collection of original prints (linoprints, monoprints, etchings, screenprints etc) on the theme of the garden.

These original prints are on show in the West End House Gallery, Smarden,  Kent TN27 8QB. Tel: 01233 770261  The exhibition opens on 29 September and closes on 12 November.

This is one of the pieces that will be on show in the exhibition.

The Illustrated Garden - a new book of etchings, lino, woodcuts, screen prints, monoprints of the garden

I'm delighted to have 3 pages of images and text in this new book of original prints by a wide range of artists.   It's  published by Mascot Media and available from them   or 

A beautiful book with wonderful colour plates of the garden images.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Linda Nevill ARBSA- I have been elected as an associate member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists

My 6 candidature landscape etchings.

I am delighted to have been elected as an associate member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists.   

Last November my proposer and seconder signed my application form, I outlined my art qualifications and experience and the RBSA juried exhibitions that I had been selected for in the last few years.  The RBSA Council approved my application.   Then in April I submitted my 6 pieces of work and an artist's statement which were hung for a week in the gallery. During the course of the week the RBSA members and associates viewed all the new candidates' work and voted as to whether they should be accepted or not.   To be accepted it is necessary to obtain 50% of the vote plus 1.  

They voted me in!

Being an associate extends my exhibiting possibilities and it is wonderful to be part of this prestigious association.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Exhibition in Deal, Kent 9-30 July 2017

I'm exhibiting 3 landscape etchings with the Printmakers Council at Linden Hall Studio - a contemporary art gallery in Deal, Kent, 9-30 July.

In the RBSA Prize exhibition June 2017

A lovely exhibition at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists' gallery in Birmingham on the edge of the Jewellery Quarter /

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

'A is for Aber' printmaking exhibition 13-29 August 2016, Aberystwyth University Old College

I was glad that I managed to visit this lovely exhibition of mini printsand that two of mine were included.  A wide range of interesting and high quality original prints created with different processes e.g. etchings, linoprints, woodcut and lithography.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Look inside my studio - Wolverhampton - Saturday 27 June 2015

Open Studio - Bradmore, Wolverhampton

You are welcome to my Open Studio event on Saturday 27 June, 10.30-4pm.  
 I will have a range of original prints (etchings, lino prints, collagraphs, monotypes), paintings and greetings cards for sale.

I am happy to tell you what inspired my work and explain how I made it.   If the weather is fine you may also wish to step out of the studio into the garden to admire the plants and flowers that feature in some of my work.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Lovely day at the Society of Women Artists 154th exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London, 4 June 2015

What a lovely sunny day in London yesterday!   I went to the opening of the Society of Women Artists 154th exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. 

Great, friendly atmosphere and I talked to some interesting people, other exhibitors, visitors and the Patron, HRH Princess Michael of Wales. She kindly agreed to pose for a photo with me and said she liked the humour of my etchings.  I explained a little of the story behind the images and she also explained why she was wearing an eye patch.  A very charming woman.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Open Studio event - Saturday 27 June

Open Studio - Bradmore, Wolverhampton, West Midlands

You are welcome to my Open Studio event on Saturday 27 June, 10.30-4pm.   I will have a range of original prints (etchings, lino prints, collagraphs, monotypes), paintings and greetings cards for sale.

I am happy to tell you what inspired my work and explain how I made it.   If the weather is fine you may also wish to step out of the studio into the garden to admire some of the plants and flowers that feature in some of my work.

Coffee, juice and homemade cakes will be awaiting you!
Let me know if you plan to come and I will send you directions and make another cake!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Royal Academy Summer Show 2014 - for judging in round 2

I delivered 2 framed etchings to the Royal Academy for round 2 judging.  I'd only been back from Sweden for a day and got my framed pieces out and re-read the paperwork for what to do.  

The framer hadn't provided 'soft protective frame corners' as he'd promised so I rang round local places to try to get some.   I ended up making a last minute dash to Birmingham, Lion Framing, to get some.

Then I turned to the labels.   2  tag labels to  hang on the work.   2 more to stick on the back of the frames.   Also, bar codes to peel off and stick on the labels.    I filled them in and was ready to stick them on when I dropped one set and they slid under my plan chest!   After an attempt to prize them out with a ruler I gave up.   The plan chest is much too heavy too move,  so I printed some more off.   Attached everything and wrapped ready to go.

Friday morning I set off early by train and arrived at the RA Burlington Gardens entrance at about 10am.  It was wonderfully quiet.   I was directed into the building, and then accompanied to a place to unwrap my pieces and to another counter to have them scanned in.

TV reporters were interviewing a man who had travelled a very long way to deliver his piece which was of the North Sea.  He was combining the delivery of his piece with a holiday and the chance to see some exhibitions which he's here. 

I felt really light and ready to see an exhibition or two myself....