Showing posts with label homeless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeless. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

My first trip into an art gallery since lockdown

 I visited the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists' gallery in the Jewellery Quarter today. It was my first venture into a gallery since lockdown.  It felt safe, spacious and both other visitors and the staff were wearing masks.

Celebrating 20 years at the RBSA’s current location in the Jewellery Quarter, the RBSA Anniversary Exhibition brings together Collection Acquisitions from the last 20 years alongside artwork by current RBSA Members and Associates.

In April 2000, after being based at New Street in Birmingham since 1829, the RBSA relocated to the current gallery just off St Paul’s Square.

It's an exhibition well worth visiting if you can, or it is available to view online.

Outside the RBSA today in lovely sunshine.  People were stretching out and having coffees sitting in St Paul's Square opposite.

With Garden of Wisdom woodcut in Gallery 1.
In Gallery 2 with my etching Homed and Homeless - I took my mask off for a moment for the photo as no-one else was in that gallery at that time.

There are two solo shows on the ground floor as well as a range of stylish, inexpensive jewellery, greetings cards, ceramics and other small pieces which would be ideal for gifts.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Meet the Artist: Linda Nevill ARBSA Saturday 16 March at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists' Gallery, St Paul's Square

I am exhibiting some etchings at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists from 
11 Feb- 30 March  and have a Meet the Artist day Saturday 16 March 11-4pm

Linda has collaborated with Emma Purshouse and Jane Seabourne over many years creating art inspired by poetry and poetry inspired by art. Meet Linda during her ground floor exhibition on Saturday 16th March. There will also be a live poetry performance from 2pm-2.30pm. 
In this collection of etchings Linda has explored a wide range of ideas including different aspects of landscape, still life, flamingos in captivity and football as a man’s game. She works also with contrasts to create social comment.  For example, the brightly lit clothes shop windows with their haughty, disdainful models and the homeless woman seated outside.  Or the blue, temporary tented homes set up in front of a block of flats where people live in heated accommodation with televisions and fridges and appliances.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

My etching entitled 'Homed and homeless' has been selected for the Metropolis exhibition at the RBSA in Birmingham

I am delighted to have my etching, 'Homed and homeless',selected for the Metropolis exhibition 2017 at the RBSA (Royal Birmingham Society of Artists). The exhibition runs from
 23 Aug - 30. 

 'Homed and homeless'

My metal plate etching....