Showing posts with label wall art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wall art. Show all posts

Friday, 27 November 2020

Yoga and pilates series

 Yoga and pilates have become more important to me than ever in recent times and my love of these has inspired some of my recent art.

I love the stretching, the breathing, strengthening and bending that the body experiences.  Dru yoga has some visualisations that I enjoy too and there's the enjoyable ongoing meeting (on-line these days) of the class group members.

Here are some of my etchings.  Originals and also digital colour reproductions (giclee prints) also available through my website shop.  

Etchings from my website shop

I've had some fabulous human models, but this sheep unwittingly posed for me in the summer. I added the hat to the etching with hand colouring later.

Christmas Yoga Sheep (upward sheep)  available from website shop.

Thursday, 30 January 2020

RBSA Gallery, Birmingham, in the StArt 2020 exhibition until 15 February

I'm exhibiting 4 etchings in this exhibition - here's one of them 'Follow me'.

Summary of the exhibition

For over 200 years the diverse practices of the RBSA's Members and Associates have been displayed in this annual exhibition, including the work of those newly elected this year.
All work is priced at £300 or under. The exhibition is displayed over three floors and includes artwork in a wide range of media.
The exhibition ends on 15 February 2020.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

I'm working on some seascapes - part of a collection that will be on show at my Open Studios event 13/14 October 2018

Just a few of the paintings that will be on show at my Open Studios event... I can't show you them all on line you will have to come to see!

 Work in progress

Work in progress

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Exhibition of artwork currently in the newly published 'Illustrated Garden' book

If you are in or near Kent in October or November, you may have the chance to see the wonderful artwork recently published in the new book by Alan Marshall, 'The Illustrated Garden'.   It's a lovely collection of original prints (linoprints, monoprints, etchings, screenprints etc) on the theme of the garden.

These original prints are on show in the West End House Gallery, Smarden,  Kent TN27 8QB. Tel: 01233 770261  The exhibition opens on 29 September and closes on 12 November.

This is one of the pieces that will be on show in the exhibition.