Showing posts with label upward sheep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upward sheep. Show all posts

Friday, 27 November 2020

Yoga and pilates series

 Yoga and pilates have become more important to me than ever in recent times and my love of these has inspired some of my recent art.

I love the stretching, the breathing, strengthening and bending that the body experiences.  Dru yoga has some visualisations that I enjoy too and there's the enjoyable ongoing meeting (on-line these days) of the class group members.

Here are some of my etchings.  Originals and also digital colour reproductions (giclee prints) also available through my website shop.  

Etchings from my website shop

I've had some fabulous human models, but this sheep unwittingly posed for me in the summer. I added the hat to the etching with hand colouring later.

Christmas Yoga Sheep (upward sheep)  available from website shop.