Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Plein air painting at the seaside - windy but wonderful

 It was wonderful to be able to paint outdoors on the beach.  The tide was coming in and the wind was sharp but somehow battling against time, wind and tide was exhilarating, especially of months working only in my studio.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Sketching in the snow in January 2021


January sketching outdoors!  I didn't last long as it was exhilarating but freezing.   My fingerless gloves needed to cover more of my fingers - I must invest in some new ones if I do more of this

Friday, 27 November 2020

Yoga and pilates series

 Yoga and pilates have become more important to me than ever in recent times and my love of these has inspired some of my recent art.

I love the stretching, the breathing, strengthening and bending that the body experiences.  Dru yoga has some visualisations that I enjoy too and there's the enjoyable ongoing meeting (on-line these days) of the class group members.

Here are some of my etchings.  Originals and also digital colour reproductions (giclee prints) also available through my website shop.  

Etchings from my website shop

I've had some fabulous human models, but this sheep unwittingly posed for me in the summer. I added the hat to the etching with hand colouring later.

Christmas Yoga Sheep (upward sheep)  available from website shop.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Sketching outdoors - connecting with nature - holding onto my sketchbook and hat before they blow away


A welcome trip to the coast. 

I like the struggle to keep my hat on and to get some marks on the paper as my sketchbook blows in the wind. I'm capturing impressions and memories as I sketch.

A letter in Mind 2020 Everyday Things, Oxo Tower - artwork for the National Brain Appeal - intriguing and exciting project

 Do you know about the National Brain Appeal? It funds advances in neurology and neuro surgery.

This year, artists have created artwork anonymously on envelopes on the topic of Everyday things. They will be exhibited in the Oxo Tower in London between the 5-8 November, 11am-6pm and entrance is free.   All artwork is for sale and is priced at £85.

It's an exciting and intriguing project as you have no idea who created the artwork.  The artists names are revealed after the exhibition is finished.

I will publish the link to view the artworks online towards the end of September, when it is available.

I don't think you will guess which artwork I created...or will you?

I'm delighted to have my new etching 'Red by night' selected for the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Prize Exhibition

 I'm delighted to have my new etching, 'Red by Night' selected for the RBSA Prize exhibition which takes place 8 October - 21 November 2020.

This exhibition is now extended on line until 16 January.  See all work online here  Prize exhibition - scroll down page to see all artwork

Here's the etching and the metal plate the etching was printed from.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Exhibiting as part of Broadway Arts Festival, Costwolds, UK

Broadway Arts Festival - The competition and on-line selling exhibition is on now and until the end of the year.

There were over 700 entries from across the UK and mainland Europe and I was very pleased to be selected to take part in this exhibition.

I have 3 etchings on display in this on-line exhibition until the end of the year.

You can view and purchase from the online exhibition. You can also vote for your visitor’s choice once you have logged into the site.

Voting for the ‘Visitors Choice Award’
You can vote for your favourite pieces by clicking on ‘Details’ for an individual artist and then clicking on the small heart where it says ‘Vote for this piece’. Once you’ve voted for a piece the heart shape will be filled in red. You can vote for as many of the ‘Main Entries’ as you like, but you can only vote once for each artist.