Wednesday, 29 April 2020

RBSA Remote Access - A Virtual Exhibition You can see this until 15 June 2020

As you will know, galleries are closed at the moment due to Covid-19 but The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) is still very much active.   

Currently there is an online exhibition of elected Members and Associates's artwork entitled Remote Access - A Virtual Exhibition and you can view it until 15 June 2020.

These etchings and drypoint are on show and for sale through the RBSA

This Way (drypoint print)

From Hedgrow to hillside (etching)

Through the trees (etching)

Moon and Magnolia (etching)

Standing there (etching)

Welsh Cottages (etching)

Thursday, 30 January 2020

RBSA Gallery, Birmingham, in the StArt 2020 exhibition until 15 February

I'm exhibiting 4 etchings in this exhibition - here's one of them 'Follow me'.

Summary of the exhibition

For over 200 years the diverse practices of the RBSA's Members and Associates have been displayed in this annual exhibition, including the work of those newly elected this year.
All work is priced at £300 or under. The exhibition is displayed over three floors and includes artwork in a wide range of media.
The exhibition ends on 15 February 2020.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Royal Birmingham Society of Artists' elected Members and Associates exhibition opens Thursday 21 November. Private View 6-8pm

I'm exhibiting two pieces in this exhibition which opens tomorrow in the RBSA Gallery, St Paul's Square, Birmingham.

All welcome to the private view 6-8pm.

I'm exhibiting two pieces.   One is an oil painting 'Across the plain at Ronda' inspired by a week sketching there in July.The other is an etching entitled, 'Moon and Magnolia' inspired by seeing my magnolia tree at 3 am on a moonlit night.

Monday, 16 September 2019

The Wolverhampton Society of Artists' Centenary Book launch (August 19th 2019)

I was at the launch, in Wolverhampton’s Mayor’s Parlour, of Wolverhampton Society of Artists’ book which celebrates 100 years of this excellent society. The book features images of the art and details about each artist’s work. 
As a member of the Book Committee I worked with the team over about 18 months to get this book together. My particular responsibility was the text and it was fascinating to hear each artist’s different story. The photography is by Chris Manley, book layout and production by Anthony Clemson and project management by Neil Davies.

It’s a beautiful and fascinating book.

No photo description available.
My entry in the book

Image may contain: 4 people, including Linda Nevill, people smiling, people standing
The WSA Book Committee with the Mayor

The WSA Book Committee, The Mayor, President, WSA Chair