Showing posts with label Brisons Veor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brisons Veor. Show all posts

Friday, 13 September 2024

Art Residency at Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall, in July and early August 2024

 A fortnight at Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall

I was lucky enough to have a two week residency to create art in a house net to the sea at Cape Cornwall.

What a fabulous fortnight experiencing changing weather and light on the landscape while listening to the roar of the sea. 

During the first week I sketched mainly using charcoal dust and cold wax on oil paper, sometimes adding oil paint.   Then in the second week I developed oil paintings on panels. It was possible to focus fully and to soak up the sights and sounds of the coast.

I shared the residency with Julie Marcus - we worked separately in different studios and outside but came together to exchange thoughts on our artwork, to visit a couple of exhibitions, laugh and swim.


The residency is run through the charitable trust Brisons Veor and is made possible by the generous gift of the house to the trust by Tracey O'Kate.

The name, Brisons Veor, comes from the rocks directly off the coast near the house.