Monday, 16 September 2019

The Wolverhampton Society of Artists' Centenary Book launch (August 19th 2019)

I was at the launch, in Wolverhampton’s Mayor’s Parlour, of Wolverhampton Society of Artists’ book which celebrates 100 years of this excellent society. The book features images of the art and details about each artist’s work. 
As a member of the Book Committee I worked with the team over about 18 months to get this book together. My particular responsibility was the text and it was fascinating to hear each artist’s different story. The photography is by Chris Manley, book layout and production by Anthony Clemson and project management by Neil Davies.

It’s a beautiful and fascinating book.

No photo description available.
My entry in the book

Image may contain: 4 people, including Linda Nevill, people smiling, people standing
The WSA Book Committee with the Mayor

The WSA Book Committee, The Mayor, President, WSA Chair

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Birmingham Art Circle - group exhibition at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists gallery, St Paul's Square from 23 September to 5 October 2019

I'm taking part in this group exhibition at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Gallery, St Paul's Square, 4 Brook St, Birmingham B3 1SA

Birmingham Art Circle and the Shapeshifters Sculpture Group are sharing the gallery for this new exhibition.

23 September to 5 October

Wolverhampton Open Studios - Saturday 12 October

I am participating in Wolverhampton Open Studios again this year on Saturday 12 October.

If you are interested in coming along to see some of my etchings, etching plates, lino prints and oil paintings in my Bradmore studio please contact me by email on and I will give you further information.